Herbalists of Flora Sagrada

Sage L. Maurer is a Shamanic Herbalist, Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner, Deep Ecologist and director of The Gaia School of Healing, a school for herbal medicine founded in 2001. Sage has been practicing herbal healing for the past 17 years and has trained hundreds of apprentices primarily in New England. Sage holds a degree in anthropology and ethnobotany from The University of Hawaii, and a masters degree in environmental education. Trained in The Wise Woman Tradition of herbal healing passed on from our grandmothers, she seeks to help reawaken our ancient memory of healing with plants and renew our connection to the earth. Sage is devoted to changing the way natural and alternative health care is provided and reawaken the earth-honoring traditions of the past.

Marysia Miernowska is an Herbalist, biodynamic gardener and Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner trained in the Wise Woman Tradition of healing. She teaches, holds ceremonies, and is the director of the California branch of the Gaia School of Healing and Earth Education. A multilingual and multicultural devotee of pachamama, Marysia has traveled extensively studying earth wisdom and ancient healing practices from different cultures around the world. Marysia designs medicinal gardens, formulates herbal medicine, makes sacred plant elixirs, as well as herbal body and cleaning products. She lives in Santa Monica, CA. with her daughter, grows biodynamic herbs in Malibu, and teaches in the greater LA area. She shares her passion for wellness of the earth and her people with her clients, in workshops, in the gardens she tends, and as the Wellness Expert on the TV show At Home with Didiayer.